Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sunday is No Work Day

I know that there are people who works on a Sunday, but most people don't. And most people don't know that.
Why would a client send me a message,on a Sunday, through facebook informing me that there will be a meeting tomorrow? Can he just give me a break?!!! As far as I know i don't directly report to him. And I am not paid to respond, or should I say I don't work on a weekend. I don't even remember signing a contract with him. He's a company client who signed a contract with my boss. Therefore he should talk to my boss instead of talking to me. It's not my fault that he badly needs income. It's not my fault that he's having a hard time doing he's promotions for his events. And it's not my fault that he doesn't have a life.
Don't get me wrong. I wanted to help and work for his business, but weekends are special to me. It's "me" time.